Learn SvelteKit and Firebase: The Ultimate Guide
Alex Patterson
Alex Patterson

Learn SvelteKit and Firebase: The Ultimate Guide

Svelte Summary

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that is quickly gaining popularity among web developers. It is known for its small size, high performance, and easy-to-learn syntax. Svelte is also very flexible and can be used to build a wide variety of web applications.

Svelte Features

  • Small size: Svelte is a very small framework, with a download size of just 4.1 KB. This makes it ideal for use on mobile devices and other low-powered devices.
  • High performance: Svelte is very performant, thanks to its use of the compiler to generate efficient JavaScript code. This means that Svelte applications can be loaded and run quickly, even on slow connections.
  • Easy-to-learn syntax: Svelte has a very simple and easy-to-learn syntax. This makes it a great choice for beginners, as well as experienced developers who want to build web applications quickly and easily.
  • Flexible: Svelte is a very flexible framework that can be used to build a wide variety of web applications. It is suitable for both small and large projects, and can be used to build both simple and complex user interfaces.

If you are looking for a modern, performant, and easy-to-learn JavaScript framework, then Svelte is a great option. It is quickly becoming one of the most popular frameworks in the world, and for good reason.


Introduction to SvelteKit and Firebase
Introduction to SvelteKit and Firebase

More info in course.

Intruduction of BlackCatUI and Tailwind CSS
Intruduction of BlackCatUI and Tailwind CSS

More info in course.

What is Svelte
What is Svelte

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that is designed to be fast, simple, and scalable.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - What is Svelte?
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - What is Svelte?

Svelte is a modern JavaScript framework that is designed to be fast, simple, and scalable.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Getting Started
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Getting Started

Explanation of Svelte vs. SvelteKit and other metaframeworks

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Starting to Code
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Starting to Code

Setup VSCode and Get Started writing Svelte

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Components and Props
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Components and Props

Components are reusable pieces of code that can be used to build complex user interfaces, props pass data within those components

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Inputs Bindings and Reactivity
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Inputs Bindings and Reactivity

Svelte inputs and bindings allow you to create interactive UIs by connecting user input to application state.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Basic Events
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Basic Events

Svelte DOM events allow you to listen for and respond to user interactions with the DOM.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Component Events and Forwarding
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Component Events and Forwarding

Event forwarding is a powerful tool that can be used to communicate between components in Svelte.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Conditionals and Loops
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Conditionals and Loops

Conditionals allow you to execute different code depending on the value of a variable or expression. Loops allow you to repeat a block of code a certain number of times or until a condition is met.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - CSS Basics
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - CSS Basics

Svelte CSS component scope allows you to style components without affecting the rest of the page.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - How to call an API
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - How to call an API

Using fetch within Svelte provides a simple and consistent way to make HTTP requests.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Await Block
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Await Block

Svelte makes dealing with promises easy by using an await block.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Transitions and Animations
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Transitions and Animations

Make more appealing user interfaces by transitioning and animating DOM elements.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Component Lifecycle
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Component Lifecycle

Overview of the Svelte component lifecycle and its different phases, including the creation, update, and destruction phases.

Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Data Stores
Learn Svelte: The Ultimate Guide - Data Stores

Svelte data stores are a way to manage application state that is shared between components.